Tame Node™ is a personal device that lives in your pocket, on your keychain, or wherever you want it to be. It's there when you need to capture a thought, an idea, or just something for later. It's there when you need an impulse, a comment, or a hint.
Over the past year, we've explored several ideas and form factors around AI hardware. We've been working with consumer electronics and AI for several years now, and it felt right to explore this emerging category.
We are building on tools and technologies that we developed over time and bringing together interactions, use cases, and directions we find relevant. A fully functional prototype has been developed and is currently being tested, while pieces of the concept in hardware and software will be released over the next weeks and months.
We aim to learn from feedback, adjust the concept, go back to the drawing board, and eventually make a real product out of it. If you want to get notified about the project, sign up for updates below.
Design & Concept: Tame Labs®
Visualization: David Wissel